With any luck, will not have a problem with Win2 tech working on your win 10 64 bit machine. !HFoHAS6A!f_gl9Caguh-5wK-l9dUbzjv6baIdN0LREUG5qfn7U7s !Tc5w1CiD!z4-Jy7f1gnKRk9IVFuC5ecXaQZ357yxWuVGZ_3Rvn_U !mJBSyKzK!kR3hI7dU7hS2DBgaBq9rM-78Fllq0GIcPDkTgPoMj2U It allows you to use your J2534 pass thru as a Tech2 on GM vehicles. Tech2Win is the Tech2 emulator software for GM diagnostics. This is VXDIAG VCX NANO GM Tech2Win installation tutorial for users with Windows 10. Tech2Win Windows 10 Installation Tutorial for VXDIAG VCX Nano GM